Friday, 29 November 2013

Understanding The Pink Parade

Several organizations are registered as nongovernmental charity organizations, claiming to be collecting and raising funds for a noble cause, related to cancer. We often hear of about a march or some gala for solidarity with breast cancer patients, or for raising awareness about breast cancer. Many a times these so called noble organizations are nothing but sharks preying upon people who want to help the afflicted by this deadly cancer.

Reliability Question
Such societies can safely be classified as a breast cancer society scam. They are able to beguile many big companies and brands to sponsor them and campaign, which then allows them to lure not only big donors but also small donors like you and I.  We think that we a have done something good by participating in their fund raising or by donating money to their projects but little do we know where our cash is going or where our donation is going. Most of the people do not check, our busy lives actually keep us way from verifying their authenticity and save us from breast cancer society scam.

Scam Schematics
However, if you take a closer look then you will see these breast cancer society scam, are in fact duping you.  They have non-transparent accounts and have a lot of hanky panky going on, which covers up their lack of contributions to the claimed cause. Most of their funds being collected will be either be utilized under a very large expense or running cost tab, which is used to finance for the miscellaneous expenses of directors, executives and board members, and very little will actually have had been put to good use. Fabrication of bills, accounts, and fake treatment centres, are tools used by these pink parade banner men to embezzle the donated money. A lot of the breast cancer society scams are actually a onetime stint, which have been setup to target large donors in one go and then disappear with the money. Others are sly; they donate but in ways in which that doesn’t really matter, the funds allotted are used for providing useless and non-essential items or aid to breast cancer patients.

Many of these fake breast cancer society’s offer counselling to the patient and to the families afflicted by breast cancer, or they refer them to a counsellor. The fees that one has to pay for these sessions are surprising. The loans often doled out by these societies are obnoxious as sooner or later they have to be paid, they are called soft loans, but the interest still does amount to a lot, as cancer treatment is not cheap.

Last man standing
In contrast there are societies like the Breast Cancer Society, where transparency, authenticity, and reliability are the main aim. They do not exceed the two percent cap, on running expenses, they have established, and the rest of the entire fund is allocated to effective and useful contributions. These contributions are made to researches, institutes, hospitals, clinics, and other cancer treatment centres. Direct contributions are made to women suffering from breast cancer and their family. It is a very versatile program and has been dubbed as one of the best organization.