Thursday 19 September 2013

Fighting Breast Cancer, Saving Lives

Breast Cancer is one of those diseases that has a greater than usual social stigma attached to it since it is concerned directly with the femininity of the fairer sex. Women, upon discovering something unusual with their body or finding an incidental lump or swelling in the breast, might be hesitant to go and consult the doctor, which ultimately could lead to delays in diagnosis and treatment, thereby driving up the morbidity associated with Breast Cancer.

What is the Breast Cancer Society?

The Breast Cancer Society is one of those cancer support group that is acting to change all that. The basic purpose of any society or support group is to help the individual who’s just been diagnosed with cancer to come to terms with their disease and realize that it is not in fact a death sentence but just a word. Cancer is treatable, and even though there is not a specific cure for every kind of cancer, today a person with cancer can expect to live their lives much more normally than twenty years ago. 

The need for awareness

There is however, much need to spread awareness among the society at large about the effects of cancer, how they begin in the first place, and what you can do to prevent them up to a certain limit, beyond which man really has no control over. Specifically for Breast cancer, early detection is perhaps the best tool in the hands of health care workers right now, since it has been shown to bring down the morbidity rate significantly, with up to 90 percent of cases diagnosed within the early stages having a very good survival rate.

Early diagnosis is your best bet.

One of the most important steps towards an early diagnosis is the screening process for Breast Cancer. This can be either in the form of breast self-exams that are recommended for women of all ages and should be carried out as part of a general routine every once in a while to detect any apparent abnormality. The other way is to get a mammogram which is an imaging technique developed to get the fine details of the internal structure of the Breast and detect any budding disease process. Mammograms are generally only required if there already exists some suspicion of cancer or if there is some strong factor that places the individual in the high risk group for getting cancer. Women over the age of fifty are now advised to get a mammogram once a year.

Our Mission

The Breast Cancer Society is one of the premiere cancer support groups that is lending a voice to thousands of women worldwide who have become associated with this disease and have fought or are still fighting the battle against cancer. The group has many programs and initiatives in place that are directed towards assisting these brave women in this difficult time, by providing them support both financially and emotionally, and bringing them together as a group to spread the love and care that they need to get through the threat of cancer and return to living their lives as normally as possible.

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